Kim was the child of alcoholic parents. She had her first drink at age 12 and started using drugs as a teenager. “I tried it all and could quit when I wanted to, but some-times it got really bad.” Kim lost her parents and two brothers over the years, leaving her with just one sibling.

During a cold winter, Kim went to the hospital to keep from freezing to death. The hospital referred her to St. Patrick Center. She joined our Women’s Night Program and started working with case managers to find a place to live. Kim took several Shamrock Club classes—anger management, cognitive thinking, AA, NA and meditation. “But I’ll be honest... I was sassy and got kicked out of the program.” She lived in a tent behind St. Patrick Center.

One day, Kim mentioned to our Mobile Outreach case worker that she was wishing and praying to live in a tiny house. The case worker knew of one that was available! They worked with the landlord and St. Patrick Center to make Kim’s dream a reality. “I was overwhelmed with happiness. I’m so thankful to everyone. My life today is good.” Two years clean and sober, in a tiny house across from a church she now attends.